I have just updated our gallery with outtakes of Aubrey photographed for BuzzFeed UK to promote the release of “Ingrid Goes West” in the United Kingdom (November 17, in other words — today!). She did a really funny interview where she had to reply to 31 rapid-fire questions about herself — part of which you can find below, but be sure to check out the original publication (here) for more.
Have you ever been mistaken for another celebrity?: “Yeah, a bunch of people at one point thought I was Alison Brie on Community. In airports a lot, they’d come up to me and be like, “I love your work on Community!” And I’d go, “Thank you very much.””
What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told? “I think when I was in fourth or fifth grade, on the playground, I used to tell people that my dad owned the Plaza Hotel, because I thought they’d think I was cool. No one believed me and it was a terrible lie, but a big one for a young child.”
What’s the last thing you cried at? “Okja – the first 10 minutes, and then I turned it off. I cried within the first 10 minutes, so I was like, I can’t watch this movie.”
What advice would you give to your teenage self? “I would say stop getting your hair cut like a middle-aged real estate agent woman. It doesn’t look good. The boys don’t like it.”
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? “Go big or go home! Right out of the womb, my mom said that to me. As a toddler. She said, “If you’re gonna fuck up, just make sure it’s a big fuckup.””
Have you ever freaked out about meeting a celebrity? “Yeah. Nick Offerman brought me to see his wife in a musical at Carnegie Hall one time, and Patrick Wilson was in it, and I could barely talk because I was so excited to meet him. I made a fool out of myself and he thought I was a loser.”
What’s one ambition you have yet to accomplish? “Oh, so many. Grammy. Tony. Emmy. ESPY? Is that an award? Any award, pretty much. No, I don’t care about awards. Just cooking a really great dinner, I guess. I never feel good about what I cook. But also, Grammy.”
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you? “That I’m really sensitive on the inside! I don’t know, I don’t want anyone to know anything about me. I love small, confined spaces. I love being buckled in. That came out weird. I love seatbelts!”